Auh the third baby! I am a mama of three little ones myself so I feel especially equipped when families visit me for their newborn sessions with 2 older siblings in tow.
These sweet siblings were a dream to photograph and they loved their new baby brother Hank!
Mama did such a great job styling everyone, my favorite part of their wardrobe is big brother’s suspenders! Aren’t they so cute! I need to get some of these for the studio wardrobe!

Once the family portion of the session is finished I get to focus on just baby. This is my favorite part of a newborn session. Just me and a new sweet baby, my happy place. I feel most at home when I’m working with littles, especially newborn babies.
Newborns are calming and sweet, they really fill my mama heart.

These are some of the sweetest siblings ever ! I really need to get this image put on canvas for the studio!

Baby Hank was full of baby smiles! Often times parents will worry about their baby waking up or not sleeping during their newborn session, but sometime awake photos are the cutest!!!!

Nancy Berger has been serving the San Antonio, New Braunfels and Boerne area for 7 years! The studio is located in Gruene and is one of the largest baby studios in Texas! Sessions are scheduled early in the 2nd trimester, if you are expecting a baby I would love to be your photographer! email me for all the details.
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